Businesses signs are necessary for businesses to get noticed and need to be well-maintained over time to remain effective. This blog will cover some instances that hint at your sign needing a repair or replacement.
1. Signs That Looks Like They Are About To Fall Over
The most apparent sign that indicates your business sign needs to be repaired or replaced is if it looks like it is about to fall over. A sign that looks like it is about to fall over should not be ignored. A business sign that falls over can do severe damage to a property and possibly injure someone. Being proactive with sign repairs and replacements can minimize the chances your sign falls over.
2. Signs With Flickering Lights
After a handful of years go by, it is not uncommon for electrical lights to start flickering. Flickering lights can sometimes be resolved by fixing or tightening the connection. If you cannot stop your signs lights from flickering, it might be time to have them repaired or replaced by a professional.
3. Signs With Missing Letters
Another instance where your sign needs to be repaired or replaced is if it suddenly contains words with missing letters. Letters on a sign can fall off or fade over time. A sign with missing or faded letters can look unprofessional and cause potential customers to turn away.
4. Signs That Look Too Generic
Signs evolve over time, and if your sign was installed many years ago, it may fail to stand out against other signs in your area. If your sign looks too generic, it is probably a good idea to replace it with a more modern-looking one.
It is usually easy to tell when your signs must be repaired or replaced. When the time comes, do not attempt to make any repairs yourself unless you have previous experience doing so. Attempting to repair a business sign without prior experience can be dangerous and void certain warranties. Most businesses also lack the necessary equipment and tools needed to repair a business sign.
Sign Services in North Andover, MA
Dawn’s Sign Tech is a full-service sign shop in North Andover, MA. Our team can offer a wide array of sign services such as sign repairs, maintenance and much more! We love helping businesses in the North Andover and Merrimack Valley areas, so if your business is in these areas, contact us to get started on your sign service!